Thursday, February 21, 2008


For a proper understanding of the division of labour in manufacture, it is essential that the following points be firmly grasped. First, the decomposition of a process of production into its various successive steps coincides, here, strictly with the resolution of a handicraft into its successive manual operations. Whether complex or simple, each operation has to be done by hand, retains the character of a handicraft, and is therefore dependent on the strength, skill, quickness, and sureness, of the individual workman in handling his tools. The handicraft continues to be the basis. This narrow technical basis excludes a really scientific analysis of any definite process of industrial production, since it is still a condition that each detail process gone through by the product must be capable of being done by hand and of forming, in its way, a separate handicraft. It is just because handicraft skill continues, in this way, to be the foundation of the process of production, that each workman becomes exclusively assigned to a partial function, and that for the rest of his life, his labour-power is turned into the organ of this detail function.

Secondly, this division of labour is a particular sort of co-operation, and many of its disadvantages spring from the general character of co-operation, and not from this particular form of it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Work Day

The Capitalist has bought the labour-power at its day-rate. To him its use-value belongs during one working day. He has thus acquired the right to make the labour work for him during the day. But what is a working day?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Capitalist production only then really begins, as we have already seen, when each individual capital employs simultaneously a comparatively large number of labours; when consequently the labour-process is carried on an extensive scale and yields, relatively, large quantities of products

The First Edition Arrives...

At first sight a commodity presented itself to us as a complex of two things .. Use-value and exchange-value..later on we saw that labour has the same two fold nature....